10 Unbelievable Video Game Glitches That Ruined Everything

5. Falling Through The Floor - Fable III

Heavy Rain

Though not nearly as well-received as its predecessors, Fable III was still a solidly worthwhile time for the most part. Exploring the rich land of Albion proved plenty rewarding - if you could avoid falling through the damn floor, that is.

Video game message boards circa 2010 are littered with posts from disgruntled players who have found themselves randomly falling through the map, and even when reloading their save the glitch often persists, effectively ruining said save.

While some players have had success enlisting the help of a co-op player to teleport them to the Sanctuary's dressing room, for those without the benefit of a pal who also owned the game, they were perhaps left to rage-quit with all their progress lost.

Infuriatingly, Lionhead never patched the glitch, and even as recently as last year players are still reporting its occurrence.

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Heavy Rain
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.