10 Unbelievable Video Game Glitches That Ruined Everything

4. The Cursed Elevators - Grim Fandango

Heavy Rain

Grim Fandango is quite rightly one of the most critically acclaimed adventure games of all time, but it has also faced criticism for some of its more esoteric puzzle elements - and of course, those damn cursed elevators.

The original PC release of the game featured a bizarre glitch which prevented some players from completing a puzzle in which they had to use a forklift to stop an elevator.

Because the elevator's movement was tied to the clock time of the CPU on the player's computer, those with more advanced PCs were not only physically unable to stop the elevator and complete the puzzle, but were likely not even aware that it could be stopped.

LucasArts did eventually release a patch to fix it, though in an ironic twist the 2015 remastered release offered up a new bug which randomly locked players inside the elevator. Again, though, it was patched soon enough.

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Heavy Rain
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.