10 Unbelievable Video Game Glitches That Ruined Everything

2. Press X To "Shaun!" - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain
Quantic Dream

And now for one of the most infamous video game glitches of all time, so absurd in fact that it turned the game itself into a joke and a meme.

In the final chapter of Heavy Rain, players who press "X" to call protagonist Ethan's son Shaun in a particular spot of the warehouse will trigger a glitch where Ethan continues to shout "Shaun!," complete with accompanying text prompts, every time you press X for the rest of the chapter.

Naturally this renders the otherwise harrowing endgame unintentionally hilarious, and became so widely derided online that even people who've never played Heavy Rain are well aware of the glitch.

In fact, it's proven popular enough that many players have even triggered it intentionally to see what silliness they can cook up. That couldn't be further from what director David Cage intended, obviously.

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Heavy Rain
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.