10 Unbelievable Video Game Glitches That Ruined Everything

1. It Breaks Your PC - Eve Online: Trinity

Heavy Rain
CCP Games

In the more literal sense, this glitch included in the original release of Eve Online expansion Trinity could basically turn your computer into a very expensive paperweight.

Within just a day of its 2007 release, reports emerged that updating the existing Eve client to Trinity would also result in Windows XP users' boot.ini file - the file used to store boot configurations - possibly being deleted.

This would in effect prevent users from booting their PC, and though computer-literate folk would be able to get things running again with some online help, back in 2007 it was way more of a hassle, when we didn't all have phones in our pockets capable of quickly looking things up.

Developers CCP Games at least acted fast, releasing a patch in just a single day to resolve the issue and even offered advice to help afflicted users restore their systems.

Even so, the fact that such a gaffe could slip through the net at all is absolutely unforgivable. That didn't stop CCP from making a joke about it in an internal employee video later released to the public, though:

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Heavy Rain
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.