10 Unbelievably Scary Video Game Locations Discovered By Hackers

1. The Ghost Town - The Saboteur

Skyrim hidden house
Pandemic Studios

Cult classic action-adventure game The Saboteur sees GTA III's ghost town glitch and raises it a whole other level of creepy, in large part informed by the game's own historical context.

As discovered by YouTuber "old v&q" in the game's third mission, when you enter the bar to meet Vittore, you can trigger a glitch by skipping the ensuing cutscene and reloading the level, causing it to resemble a ghost town.

The city of Saarbrücken is now soaked in fog and the Nazi NPCs won't even notice you unless you attack them first, ensuring the busy atmosphere of the main game is completely inverted to be something far more sinister - even for a game about Nazis.

Though The Saboteur was ultimately criticised upon release for its overabundance of glitches, this one nevertheless kept the hackers happy, and everyone else distinctly unsettled.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.