10 Unbelievably Scary Video Game Locations Discovered By Hackers
2. The Mind Of A Madman - The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim

The worlds created by Bethesda are some of the most imaginative that the gaming medium has ever seen - and, it has to be said, some of the jankiest.
As such it's little surprise that some nuggets of beguiling cut content remain entombed within their tangled webs of game code, most disturbingly in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
To access the infamous "The Mind of a Madman" location, players need to disable collision in the console command menu, and then head to the northern edge of the map during the "Mind of Madness" quest.
Eventually you'll find a solitary door called The Mind of a Madman, which will transport players into what initially seems to be a regular - if empty - house.
Exploring the house will reveal that it's actually a superficial miniature structure situated on top of a large table which itself resides within a cave, while one of the doors inside the house will also lead players down an insanely creepy catacomb-like tunnel.
Perhaps Bethesda were planning to screw with players here by introducing some scale-shifting mechanics for the quest, but alas, it never saw the (official) light of day, which only makes its sense of mystery that much more ominous.