10 Uncomfortable Truths Video Games Force You To Confront

2. You Are Slowly Killing Yourself

How many hours did you spend gaming last week? During the unpleasant months leading up to Spring, when developers aim to release all their best games prior to the summer drought, you're probably playing quite a lot. What you might not realise is that impact it has on your health; the above image from South Park might be an exaggeration, but the sedentary nature of (most) games is not at all good for you. How many of us really listen to the advisory warnings that you should spend 15 minutes of every hour on your feet? How many of us have spent 10 hours hooked on an MMO, only leaving our chair every few hours to go to the toilet and replenish snacks? While the Nintendo Wii promoted a "healthy" way to play casual games, nobody has yet to come up with a palpable method for serious gaming; how galling would it be if mid-way through Resident Evil 7, the console tells you it can't let you play any longer until an on-board camera sees you perform 30 press-ups and 10 minutes of jogging on the spot? Most gamers know that their hobby isn't exactly as good as going for a run, but do they know that studies link a sedentary lifestyle with a significantly higher propensity to heart disease and diabetes? Wow, what a bummer...
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.