10 Unconfirmed Video Games We Know Are In Development
Behold: the worst kept secrets in gaming!

Often the gaming industry is akin to the secret lair of a James Bond villain; shrouded in mystery while being ridiculously flashy and elaborate, well guarded but easily broken into, and containing more moles than that kid in Austin Powers.
Which is to say that, while priding itself on being insanely buttoned-up and secretive, the industry is also hilariously prone to leaks and unconfirmed games that are open secrets. Consequently, there are a bunch of video games that are currently in development but have not been officially confirmed by either the publisher or developer.
In order to figure out just what's being cooked up, we've put on our best camouflage, a black bandanna, and stuck in a cigarette to dive deep and infiltrate the games industry to uncover the best hidden secrets it has to offer - and no, this won't just be a list comprised of annualised releases like Call of Duty and Fifa.
If even half of these releases are announced this year, then 2019 could be the best window of the generation so far.
10. Borderlands 3

Gearbox as a studio has had a rough few years. After several mediocre-to-complete-garbage games, the studio really needs a hit to warrant its place in 2K's catalogue. And that's why it should come as no surprise that Borderlands 3 is in development, and has been for some time now.
Borderlands 3 is truly one of the worst kept secrets in gaming. While Gearbox has in fact talked about the sequel before, the studio has never outright confirmed that the game is in active development. In February 2019, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford said that the studio has multiple games in production, including some in the Borderlands franchise.
So obviously Borderlands 3 is in development, and it's coming sooner rather than later. However, what's strange is that Gearbox pretty much already showed it off two years ago. At the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017, Gearbox showed a tech demo of its new engine, and showcasing a cel-shaded landscape and character quite clearly from the Borderlands universe.
As for what you can expect from Borderlands 3, probably a bigger, prettier, and more chaotic version of the madness we've seen with the previous games. A lot is riding on this sequel being a big success for Gearbox, so fingers crossed it lives up to expectations.