10 Under-Appreciated Westerns To Watch While You Wait For Red Dead Redemption 2

4. The Desperate Trail

Westworld Cowboy Ed Harris
Universal Pictures

There's a certain feel that you've picked up a mid nineties Western. It just has that certain look about it almost as if a steel guitar if about to play just behind you and that's not necessarily a bad thing. These films were certainly never short of action and 1995's The Desperate Trail is a fine example of this.

The second film in this list to feature Sam Elliot (and his glorious moustache) it also features the very sorely missed Linda Fiorentino who had the tough cookie role down pat here and in subsequent films Men in Black and Dogma.

When first introduced to these two, they're handcuffed to one another, Sam playing a marshal taking Linda into town to be hung for the crime of killing a man. Sharing a stagecoach with talkative gentleman Jack Cooper (Nightbreed's Craig Sheffer), things quickly take a turn when an ill fated attempt to rob the stagecoach by some outlaws reveals that Jack isn't all he seems and the once clear cut lines between good and evil become blurred as each characters story plays out.

As for action? Well at one point some poor schmo gets a hole blasted clean through him, so there's that to look forward to...


Forever cursed with having one t in Matthew due to an error made by his parents on his birth certificate; young Mathew made a pact with the devil to absorb as much useless pop culture trivia he could in exchange for a social life. He now vows to use that knowledge to at least some use by contributing articles to WhatCulture...