10 Underappreciated Video Games That Deserve A Sequel

1. Sunset Overdrive

Vanquish game

It’s been a common complaint of late that the Xbox has no exclusives. Look past Halo and you’d struggle to find a title beyond Gears of War that you can only play on the Microsoft machine.

It wasn’t always this way, there was once a time when third-party studios were very interested in bringing games to the big X. Sunset Overdrive being a stand-out from the previous generation.

A member of the barely populated comedy video game genre, Sunset Overdrive is a colourful, bombastic, violent and almost obnoxiously tongue-in-cheek experience. The kind of parody that does exactly what it’s parodying while winking at the camera.

But underneath all the self-abasement and dick jokes there was genuinely a fun experience based completely around bouncing on the hoods of cars and skating along electrical wiring.

Insomniac brought their A-game here along with their knack for inventive weaponry, giving us guns that fire vinyl records, teddy bears and fireworks among other things. The world is vibrant and colourful and moving through it is so cathartic you could spend entire play sessions just bouncing, skating and wall-running around.

As such Sunset Overdrive sold really well, and everyone really liked it. So why we’ve not seen a sequel yet is a mystery. Interestingly the likelihood is that if we do it’ll be a Playstation exclusive, now that they’ve bought the studio that owns the IP. So let’s look forward to a tense, dour faced sequel where everyone communicates in either grunting or crying.

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Johnny's just an old Scottish dad who plays video games too much.