10 Underhyped Video Games That Blew Everyone Away

5. Life Is Strange

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The Non-Hype

Episodic adventure game Life Is Strange was released throughout 2015, just as the resurgence of the episodic video game was beginning to reach market saturation, courtesy of Telltale Games flooding the market with an excess of bite-sized stories varying wildly in quality.

On paper Life Is Strange seemed like a pretty basic attempt to cash-in on that formula, to say nothing of its hipster-baiting setting and central characters, which suggested a game perhaps trying a little too hard to be down with the kids.

The Big Reaction

The game ultimately received warmly enthusiastic responses from critics and players alike, who praised the uncommonly strong visual presentation for the episodic genre, the emotional plausibility of the characters, and the generally affecting nature of the story.

Fans became intimately attached to Max and Chloe's story, resulting in the game selling over 3 million copies and receiving more than 75 Game of the Year commendations.

And so a franchise was born, which has since continued with both the prequel series Before the Storm and a largely standalone sequel, Life Is Strange 2.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.