10 Underhyped Video Games That Blew Everyone Away

4. Titanfall 2

Hellblade Senua  Sacrifice Ending
Respawn Entertainment

The Non-Hype

Titanfall 2 is an especially interesting example because, despite being a sequel to an acclaimed multiplayer FPS, many simply felt that it looked like more of the same - a sequel quickly thrown together two years later to print some more money.

Though developers Respawn Entertainment assured fans that Titanfall 2's campaign would be a major improvement over the original's much-criticised excuse for a story mode, fans were skeptical that they had much new to offer.

It also didn't help that the game was released in an extremely crowded window, hitting stores within spitting distance of Gears of War 4, Battlefield 1, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Dishonored 2, and Watch Dogs 2. Oof.

The Big Reaction

While Titanfall 2's multiplayer suite was predictably well reviewed, what truly caused players to take notice was the shockingly polished quality of its single-player campaign.

Given that truly unique and creative FPS campaigns were few-and-far-between by 2016, Titanfall 2's stole headlines and resonated deeply with those who actually bothered to play it.

Despite its brevity, Titanfall 2's campaign remains one of the genre's best this decade, and the game received a slew of Game of the Year awards off the back of it.

Sadly its ill-advised release date ensured it fell massively short of EA's projected 10 million sales, ultimately selling "only" 4 million copies.

Thankfully the game has remained a cult fave over the years, and its recent Steam release resulted in a considerable surge in popularity. Though it didn't set the world alight sales-wise, it's a game beloved by practically everyone who gave it a chance. Titanfall 3 when?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.