10 Underhyped Video Games That Blew Everyone Away

2. Doom (2016)

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Id Software

The Non-Hype

It cannot be understated just how pessimistic fans were about Bethesda's 2016 Doom reboot ahead of release.

From the mediocre marketing to its much-loathed multiplayer beta and the fact that the publisher held back review codes until the day before release, it seemed like the perfect storm for a critical dud.

The Big Reaction

To the surprise of most everyone, Doom ended up scoring rave reviews from many outlets, who praised its frenetic, ultra-violent gameplay, slick presentation, and self-aware tone.

With the dearth of quality, lengthy FPS campaigns by 2016, Doom felt like a jolt of adrenaline to the genre's heart, offering up pleasantly old-school thrills with just enough of a contemporary gloss.

In addition to strong sales, it also landed on countless 2016 best-of lists, leading to the recent release of the sequel Doom Eternal, which ultimately doubled the weekend sales of its predecessor. Who could've seen all this coming four years ago?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.