10 Underplayed Races You Should Try In Dungeons And Dragons
2. Lizardfolk

Lizardfolk have a very different mindset to most other races. They don't have the compassion and humanity of other species. Their mind works only on survival. If they saw a fellow adventurer caught in a trap, they would not save them unless it would benefit them. They will come together in tribes, but only for the safety of each individual, not to help build something better. Lizardfolk are the true primal race.
Because of their toughness and drive for personal survival, Lizardfolk have a +2 in Constitution and +1 to Wisdom. This reflects their knowledge of the natural world. Most of the Lizardfolk's other abilities also reflect their survival mindset. They can attack with a vicious bite in unarmed combat. On top of this, they have a natural Armour Class of 13 plus their Dexterity modifier. This helps explain their hardened scales.
The most vicious of their attacks though is the "Hungry Jaws". A lizardfolk can go into a vicious feeding frenzy and bite an opponent with a bonus action. If the attack lands, they gain bonus hit points equal to their constitution modifier. Playing as a Lizardfolk is to play a true neutral character. They serve no master, no code. Their only wish is for survival and to make themselves stronger.