10 Unexpected Times Video Games Creeped You Out

9. Pokémon - Lavender Town

legend of zelda majora's mask
Adrien Dittrick

Pokemon isn't scary. I mean, sure, children are sent out into the wilderness to make their pet monsters beat up other pet monsters until they pass out, digitize those monsters and keep their engrams in a ball, recalling them when they wish to use these newly conquered slaves to beat up even wilder monsters.

And sure, merely passing into the eyeline of most people in the world means they will rush forwards, attacking you with their own collection of enslaved creatur-

Okay, Pokemon is terrifying if you think about it, but it's not like really scary; not like the best horror games out there.

That changes the moment you enter Lavendar Town. Itself a graveyard filled with the tombs of thousands of deceased slave monsters, the village is haunted by plenty of Ghost-type Pokemon. But even that doesn't make the place scary. That's preserved for the music.

Listed by many as the scariest video game music ever, Lavender Town's theme is a mismatched collection of calming tones, torn asunder by jarring chords that haunt the very soul.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.