10 Unexpected Times You Found Something Awesome In Video Games

2. Half Life's Borealis - Portal 2

Portal 2 Borealis

Fans may be left forever waiting for a follow-up to Half-Life 2: Episode Two, but curious Portal 2 players are able to discover a neat hint at what was to come by locating the drydock where Aperture Science's research vessel, the Borealis, was originally housed.

In Portal 2's sixth chapter, "The Fall", the Borealis' drydock can be located in the 1970s section of Test Shaft 09, using the portal gun to access a higher walkway which eventually leads to the dock. Though the ship itself is gone, there is a life preserver left behind bearing its name.

Given that the Borealis was widely expected to be a major fixture in Half-Life: Episode Three or Half-Life 3, given the implication that it contained technology capable of destroying the Combine once and for all, featuring its drydock in Portal 2 was an absolute jaw-dropper of a way to tie the two IP together.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.