10 Unfair Video Game Enemies That Made You Rage Quit

2. Parasite Unit - Metal Gear Solid V

Metal Gear Solid V The Skulls

For the most part, Metal Gear Solid V discards the boss battles from games gone by, and instead replaces them with the Parasite Unit - aka the Skulls - elite soldiers who stop at nothing to bring Venom Snake down.

They show up every time the sequel is in need of a major set piece, at which point the game's focus on stealth mostly goes out the window in favour of you whipping out a bazooka and blowing these guys to smithereens.

The issue with forced action in this series is that most of the enemies Kojima pits you against are faster and deadlier than you are, and can usually stun lock you to the point where you wonder whether it's even worth keeping hold of the controller as your life ticks down.

Not only are these guys cheap, they're boring to boot. They're not exciting to fight and there's no sense of achievement after - simply the gratitude that you can now move on to something actually fun.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3