10 Unfair Video Game Enemies That Made You Rage Quit

1. Cazadores - Fallout: New Vegas

cazadores fallout new vegas

Fallout: New Vegas' cazadores are, without a doubt, the worst enemies I've ever faced in a video game. These winged devils are found in the wastes of Obsidian's Mojave desert, and often hunt in packs.

Even worse, they're pretty much all strengths and no weaknesses: their sheer number can easily overwhelm, their ability to fly can quickly close the distance, they pack a damn punch with their stings, and they can also inflict poison damage.

The icing on the s**t cake, though, comes if you happen to be playing in Hardcore Mode. Here, if companions are killed in combat, they don't simply bounce back but are gone for good. As a result, cazadores become even more lethal, because even if you survive, there's a 99% chance your teammate will either be outright dead, or in the process of being poisoned to death.

You could scrape through a fight, only for five minutes later get the pop up that your companion is dead meat, forcing you to reload a save back to god-knows when. Oh, and if you DO notice that they're poisoned, giving them a stimpack will only speed up their demise.

Who the hell designed these creatures?!


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3