10 Unforgettable Resident Evil Moments

7. Birkin Transforms - Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 is considered by many fans to be the best in the series. It does what every sequel should do. It expands the scope while properly continuing the story and taking it into new and interesting directions. It introduced new heroes in the characters of Leon and Claire, both of whom have gone on to become mainstay characters, while expanding the infection to an entire city. It also expanded the conspiracy, giving players more insight into the people working within Umbrella. One such character is William Birkin, a top level scientist responsible for the discovery and creation of the more powerful G-virus. Unlike the T-virus, the G-virus is capable of massive biological changes in rapid time, creating whole new organisms in mere minutes. At a point in Resident Evil 2, the player is treated to a flashback showing the moments leading up to the outbreak, involving Birkin and his attempts to keep Umbrella from taking his samples by force. Umbrella Special Forces soldiers kill him and take the samples, but before he dies, he injects himself with the G-virus, and transforms. In his new monstrous form, he proceeds to decimate the Umbrella Special Forces and unknowingly unleashes the T-virus within Raccoon City. This is one of those scenes that I immediately think of when Resident Evil 2 is brought up. It€™s just an awesome scene full of betrayal, action, and science run amok. What I really like is that at no point does it fully show Birkin in his monster form, only giving you glimpses. Also, the music is memorable in itself, and sets the tone perfectly. Basically, it€™s a great origin story for a great monster, pure and simple.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.