10 Unforgettable Resident Evil Moments

4. Puppy Surprise - Resident Evil (1996,2001)

This is one of those classic moments that everybody that played the original remembers. The set up is simple: you start walking down a silent and seemingly empty hallway. This puts you in a false sense of security. Just when you think the area is monster free, a Cerberus jumps through the window and starts chasing you€followed by another. The reason everyone remembers this scene is simply because it is an expertly executed jump scare. Nothing about it is complicated, and it doesn€™t involve the narrative in anyway. It€™s memorable on a completely visceral level, and is one of many reasons why the original is a classic. It may just be a jump scare, but when so many people look back on it fondly, you know they nailed it.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.