10 Unforgettable Resident Evil Moments

3. Live Action Opening - Resident Evil (1996)

The original Resident Evil is infamous not only for being a tense and atmospheric experience, but also for being, well, hilarious. The opening scene, where the S.T.A.R.S. members get chased into the mansion by zombie dogs, was all live action, with €œactors€ playing Jill, Chris, Wesker, etc. I use the term actors loosely, as this opening sequence has some of the worst acting ever put on film. It€™s like nobody was even trying, and the effect is instant hilarity. Watching it, you get the feeling that they picked some random people to play the parts, ran out to an open field a couple miles down the road, and filmed it in an hour. The acting is wooden, the dialogue atrocious, and the effects laughable. And who could forget the deliciously cheesy roll call at the end? All these elements come together to create an unforgettable piece of schlock. But you know what? That is part of the charm. Despite the awfulness, it€™s actually a lot of fun to watch. It has since become so well known within the video game industry that even people who haven€™t actually played the game know about this opening. It, along with numerous other scenes from the original, has been parodied too many times to count. The original game is full of terrible dialogue and acting, but the opening is definitely the highlight, and unforgettable to anyone who watches it.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.