10 Unforgiving Video Games Hardly Anyone Can Beat

3. Alien: Isolation (2014)

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Lauded as one of the best sci-fi horror games ever made, Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game that excels in dropping players in the middle of the claustrophobic feel of the 1979 classic flick. With an emphasis on the tense, paranoia feeling of the first film in the series, as opposed to the more action-packed sequels, Alien: Isolation is one of the most terrifying experiences gamers can put themselves through.

It's also one of the most challenging in terms of gameplay.

In Isolation, players must skulk around their space station, whilst stealthily avoiding the Xenomorph alien that has broken in. The Xenomorph cannot be harmed with regular weapons, and is capable of delivering a one-hit kill if it finds players.

Completing the game will bag players the 'Ripley, Signing Off' achievement but, according to PSMania, only a grand total of 15.4% of PS4 users have actually managed to make it that far in the game.

What's more, the 'One Shot' trophy, required for the Platnium award and 100% completion, requires players to complete the entire game without a single death. It requires a huge amount of map knowledge and mechanic know-how, and has only been completed by just 2% of players.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.