10 Unintentionally Creepy Video Game Characters

6. Dog - Half-Life 2

When we first meet Dog in Half-Life 2, he's a great companion who can, through massive amounts of destructive force, save Gordan Freeman's butt, which he does on more than just a few occasions. However, Valve's unique spin on the "man and his dog" tale wears thin pretty quickly once you realise the more disturbing possibilities of Dog's power. Being modelled - rather loosely, mind - after a canine plants the association in the player's mind that he's going to behave like a dog as he often does, and that implicitly suggests that he's also going to be loyal. However, given how screwed up the world is during the events of Half-Life 2, we're not going to hedge our bets that Dog was assembled with due care and diligence, probably cobbled together as quickly as possible to provide brute-force protection. It would fit the idea that this is a small, grass-roots resistance, but brings with it one disturbing possibility. What if Dog manages to break his programming, or what if there's a malfunction, and he runs rampant against his masters, killing Alyx, Gordon, and everyone else in the general vicinity? It would make for an interesting twist in a future Half-Life game - if it ever gets made - but we'll be ready for it, because whenever we see Dog, that thought is already percolating in the back of our minds.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.