10 Unintentionally Creepy Video Game Characters

2. Rikku - Final Fantasy X-2

It's no surprise that a J-RPG was going to make it in here eventually, given their noted propensity for weirdness and creepy, disturbing characters and storylines. If her annoyingly high-pitched voice wasn't off-putting enough - and her frequent utterances of "Monkey!" - then it's the fact that, for some un-Godly reason, Square Enix decided that Final Fantasy X-2's Rikku should be 15 years old. I wonder if this age was chosen before or after they decided to thoroughly sexualise her, putting Rikku in a skimpy bikini top, and having the top of her G-string poke out above her skirt. I know the Japanese have some weird trends that Westerners are just never going to get to grips with, but really? One can only imagine it stems from that Japanese sub-culture that also allows under-age hentai and vending machines with used panties in to exist, whereby if you're in the sub-culture, it doesn't seem creepy at all, but to everyone else, it's grade-A bats**t crazy. Why didn't they just make her 17 or 18? Then nobody ends up creeped out or being in a weird state of arousal...
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.