10 Unintentionally Creepy Video Game Characters

3. Blinx - Blinx: The Time Sweeper

The whole "talking animals with sass" thing has been done so many times, perhaps most successfully with Sonic the Hedgehog, Crash Bandicoot, Sly Raccoon and Conker's Bad Fur Day, but what about poor old Blinx? His game might have come and gone without the same fanfare, but he gets credit for making cats temporarily badass. Though he has a somewhat deceptive exterior, in that he looks cute and fluffy, it's all betrayed by that freaking creepy grin, which isn't so much playfully cheeky as genuinely sleazy and eerily mischievous. It's the sort of thing that'll sit in your nightmares if you happen to suffer with the flu after recently playing the game. The green eyes really don't help, either, it's like he's either got a disease, or he's actually part of some Lizard master race underneath all that fur. And that, ladies and gents, is why Blinx never took off as a franchise; he just looks so damn weird.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.