10 Unique Horror Video Games You Need To Play

1. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Outlast Camcorder
Frictional Games

Although Dead by Daylight took my number-one spot for most unique game, Amnesia: The Dark Descent takes my pick for best horror game. Perhaps nostalgia plays into this as, at least from today’s standards, the game does not look great.

On top of this, after playing games such as Outlast, Soma and Alien: Isolation, you’ll be spoilt for the various mechanics and items at your disposal. Where Amnesia thrives, is in the realm of true, barebones horror, offering you nothing but a lantern, some tinderboxes and laudanum.

The haunted mansion of the 1800s does its best to create a tense, unnerving atmosphere from the very opening of the game, trickling exposition onto you by way of dialogue and flashback sequences.

As you get deeper into the building, the world will evolve around you, and you’ll encounter enemies, butlers and guards that get creepier the further you go.

From water monsters to beheaded babies, iron maidens to dungeon crawling, Amnesia set the mood for the last decade of horror games and arguably paved the way for the many games after it.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.