10 Unlikely But Awesome FPS Reboots of Classic Games

2. Portal

Name a more intuitive and satisfying puzzle game than Portal. Many would be hard-pressed to do so. The mechanics that the game is based around is deceptively simple and Valve does absolute wonders with it. However, the concept has unrealized potential. Rather than sticking to puzzle games, what if players were equipped with a portal gun in one hand and a machine gun in the other and thrown into a battle arena with other players? It would be a risky move, considering how hard it would be to execute and execute well, but I have faith in Valve to deliver. Plus, I can't help but mull over the unlimited possibilities in my head. Jumping down on from the second floor and killing your opponent in Call of Duty is great and all, but making a similar leap with the aid of a well-placed Portal would be even better. That's not even taking into account all the ridiculous shots that would be possible if one shot through the portals, rather than just using them to move around. Even if the game turned out to be a failure, it would be a spectacular failure.
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Travis Smith is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh (with a Bachelor's in Fiction Writing) who watches more movies and television shows than he knows what to do with. You can follow him here (travisjarrodsmith.tumblr.com) on tumblr.