10 Unlikely Films That Should Be Made Into Video Games

10. Pulp Fiction

Movie Plot: A verbocious, goalless meander through the criminal underworld features chest stabbings, anal sodemy, gimps, annoying girlfriends and overlong conversations about burgers. Game Plot: Like the game version of Scarface and the criminal underworld games that you see in Grand Theft Auto this will be a large open world adventure centred around drug abuse, empire building, money gathering and a lifelong quest to find the worlds perfect burger. In keeping with the overwrought tone of the film each cut scene will last between 2 and 57 minutes with only 30 seconds of important dialogue. The city of residence will feature a large golden statue of Quentin Tarantino where the final criminal battle will take place so that the criminal€™s gangs can state their claim as overall rulers of the city. Cool Gameplay Features: Vocal kinect features will allow the players to shout bible verses at targets before an important hit. The more you progress up the criminal ladder the more features you unlock, the €˜Bruce Willis wielding a sword€™ option and €˜The Wolf€™ are there to lay support in difficult situations. Whilst playing as Vincent Vega you can earn money trawling through underground drug dens, stabbing people just about to die in the chest. So what do you think? Would you play these games? Any other games you would like to see adapted from movies? Any suggestions may be included in a follow up blog! (Presuming someone lets me do this again)
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.