10 Unlikely Films That Should Be Made Into Video Games

5. Mean Girls

Movie Plot: A film that happened JUST before Lindsay Lohan showed the world what child stardom really does to the people unlucky enough to be hated and milked by their parents, this funny and very quotable teen life chronicle which helps prove why all pretty teenagers DESERVE TO DIE; and if adapted correctly could be hugely enjoyable for everyone...Apart from Gretchen Wieners. Game Plot: (Adapted tie-in) You would take a handle on two separate narratives of teenage girl within the high school environment. You would be the Queen B who had to maintain her place in the Queen league tables by belittling and insulting teachers, students and the leaders of other cliques out to destroy you. At the same time you could play as a new girl at the school, ready the over throw the Queen B by working your way through the ranks of school clichés by carrying out specific bitchy behaviour, a bit like the blacklist in Need For Speed: Most Wanted only with purses, hair extensions and sound tracked completely by Justin Bieber. Cool Gameplay Features: Cat Fight Mode: Character enters a rage state where her nails grow two inches in length, ultimate for hair tearing. Kinect linked voice mode means you can verbalise the insults you want to use. Freedom to design, stylise and edit your character to make her as fabulous as possible.
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.