10 Unlikely Films That Should Be Made Into Video Games

6. Clerks

Movie Plot: Striking on the chord of every disgruntled, angry, dragged in to work and black and white working man this features store clerks reacting bitterly to the world of customer service they are stuck in. Game Plot: A classic tycoon game, one would have to balance the running of the store but with the conflicting college education or career path you choose on the side. Therefore one would need to close the store, but with convincing reasons on how to do so, but use your experiences in the store to help enhance your education away from the game. A mixture of tycoon and Sims and character based RPG where you choose how to handle customers in a positive, medium or €˜just piss off and die€™ manner, best suited to the attributes they give you for your career path. Cool Gameplay Features: Thinly veiled contempt, open sarcasm and general hatred are all styles of responses you can use to enhance the attributes of your chosen career type (No gym instructor can say these aren€™t industry requirements). Honourable or Disgruntled life decisions, you can choose whether to steal items from the store, or pay for them honestly depending on the morality you want to take your character through.
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.