10 Unnecessary Video Games So Bad You Forgot They Existed

9. Umbrella Corps

gears of war judgment

Nothing says "red flag" like not putting your main series in the title. If it's for the fans, then it's insulting to assume they know what it is. For the uninitiated, it's a crafty way of slipping a potentially rubbish title out and then distance it from the canon.

Whilst it worked for Shadow of Mordor, such a tactic did not for Umbrella Corps, sans 'Resident Evil' in its title.

Following the back of the equally awful Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corp is the embodiment of "I didn't ask for this". A turgid third - or first - person that brought over none of the horror that Resident Evil is [subjectively] famous for, it bore no resemblance to any of its forebears.

Terrible handling and shooting, bad hit detection, and an overall sense that its ideas were flagrantly stolen from better games, it was a mess.

But what makes this even worse than the others on this list, is why it was made in the first place? Most poor sequels suffer from diminishing returns, but Umbrella Corps suffered from a diminished start.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.