10 Unnecessary Video Games So Bad You Forgot They Existed

7. Link: The Faces Of Evil/Zelda: The Wand Of Gamelon

gears of war judgment

The early 90's were a weird time for Nintendo. A broken agreement with Sony, which led to a failed partnership with Philips. To ease the break, Philips were licensed to use five Nintendo characters, with the Zelda CD-i games being the terrible result of that.

Playing like an inferior version of Zelda II, the least liked game in the series prior to these, Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon had you playing as both Link and Zelda, respectively. Safe to say, they were terrible, with indistinguishable back/foreground traversal, shonky combat and everything taking you apart quicker than wet paper.

What didn't help were the absolutely awful animations (as seen above), looking like an MS Paint nightmare. Yet it doesn't end there, with some truly atrocious voice acting, that makes Deadly Premonition sound like it was narrated by the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Generally regarded as the worst Zelda games, things didn't help when Philips put out Zelda's Adventure afterwards. Whilst faithfully top-down, it didn't so much salt the wound as chuck some vinegar and lemon juice in there too.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.