10 Upcoming 2018 Video Games That Will Struggle To Live Up To The Hype

4. Marvel's Spider-Man

Spider Man PS4 Apartment

Just as Sony have on several occasions crushed our cinematic hopes for what a Spider-Man film should be, several developers have tried their hand adapting the Webcrawler into video-game format with varying levels of success.

Insomniac has tried its hand at a Playstation 4-exclusive for 2018, coinciding with the release of Avengers Infinity War next May, and the possibilities are endless. And there’s the poisoned chalice.

When I envision what a Spider-Man game could be, I want an open-world environment like we saw in 2002’s Spider-Man: The Movie, the first Spidey game to capture those mechanics, but I want a lot, lot more.

Non-formulaic combat, more mature sequences that don’t just involve pressing buttons in a certain order, quality voice acting and a storyline that doesn’t feel like it was intended solely for those ages 12 or under.

A lot to ask, we know, but only what a title of Spiderific proportions deserves.

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