10 Upcoming 2018 Video Games That Will Struggle To Live Up To The Hype
3. Metal Gear Survive
What do you call a Metal Gear game without former Konami figurehead Hideo Kojima at the helm? Metal Gear Survive.
The Japanese developer has been without Kojima for two years now, and on February 20, we’ll find out what they’ve got to offer in a Metal Gear without the main cog.
Alternate universes, wormholes, zombies. Metal Gear Survive reads like a Gears of War spin-off dipped in Splinter Cell’s remains and left out to dry with Mass Effect. Don’t think that makes much sense? Neither do we, and that’s the point.
Despite having the Metal Gear name and all the anticipation that comes with it, Konami’s first series release without Kojima already sounds like it will fall short of the hype.