10 Upcoming 2019 Video Games We're Incredibly Worried About

8. Kingdom Hearts III

jedi fallen order
Square Enix

Release Date: January 29

Square Enix is perhaps the most frustrating AAA video game developer in existence, because while their past plaudits are undeniable, their more recent work in the RPG sphere feels so wildly inconsistent.

Final Fantasy XV, for instance, is one of the most divisive - though critically-praised - AAA RPGs of the last decade, and though everyone desperately wants Kingdom Hearts III to be a wondrous home-run, it's really tough to be optimistic about it.

Though the gameplay we've seen shows off some terrific-looking renditions of iconic Disney IPs - Toy Story surely being the most appealing - watching the game in motion reveals that it's actually looking rather dodgy on the technical side.

This is backed up by reports from press who attended a preview event for the game back in May, where many felt that the game was rather rough around the edges despite clearly being in the later stages of development.

Comments about the silly dialogue and nonsense story probably won't do much to deter long-time fans of the series, but if you're expecting KH3 to be a stonking masterpiece, you might want to lower your standards a little. Expect a 7/10 and be pleasantly surprised if it's anything more.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.