10 Upcoming Horror Video Games You Need To Know About

3. Scorn

the beast inside
EBB Studios

Scorn is a horror game in two parts, with the first half set to release in October of this year, exclusively on PC. If you're fed up of running and hiding, Scorn gives you a chance to fight back. This FPS puts players in a bizarre, hellish world that looks a little bit Lovecraft and a little bit Clive Barker, with a big dose of Alien added in for good measure.

The developers haven't given much away regarding the game's story or setting, preferring the idea of throwing players into their world to see what they make of it. Twisted fusions of blood, bone, and metal make up the game's environments, with the player having to battle their way through one hideous room after another.

Featuring a good mixture puzzle solving and frantic FPS action, Scorn certainly seems different to many of the modern horror titles of recent years and could be one of the most original games to come out in 2018.

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