10 Upcoming Nintendo Switch Exclusives You Need To Know About

6. Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey

From one Mario spin-off to the next big cheese, as Mario Odyssey looks like an amazingly fun blend of Super Mario Galaxy and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

Seeing Mario gain access to some powerful ghost hat (stay with me) called Cappy (hey, wait!), you're then given the ability to possess literally anything across a huge variety of worlds. There's everything from human cities to prehistoric T Rex-inhabited fields - though with the push of a button you're commanding tanks, goombas, dinosaurs and more to do your bidding.

We're yet to get any plot justification as to how all of this is working, but Odyssey looks like the Mario Galaxy 3 we never got, and that can only be a spectacularly good thing.

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