10 Upcoming Nintendo Switch Exclusives You Need To Know About

3. Metroid Prime 4

Metroid Prime 4

Speaking of games we know very little about, Metroid Prime 4 came out of nowhere at E3, landing with a resolute bang as thousands of Metroid fans realised just how long it's been since they played an instalment without motion controls (MP2: Echoes was 2004).

That isn't to say the Switch version won't carry the Wii's arm cannon-aiming delights forward, but it's more likely that because the system needs to function in handheld mode too, this will be a return to how the Gamecube originals felt and played.

Story-wise it's unknown if this will deal with Samus' fate after the close of Metrod Fusion, or continue to pad out what happened between the Prime trilogy and standard games in the series.

The biggest question though, is just what will Samus be like? Last we saw her, the bionically-augmented heroine was acting more like the shy girl on her first day in high school, thanks to being completely reimagined in Other M.

Needless to say, the monotone Samus who served better as balloon-boobed eye candy than a believable soldier has to go, and another thing Prime 4 can do right is reintroduce her to us ASAP.

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