10 Upcoming PS5 Games We Know Are In Development

2. Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Characters
CD Projekt RED

Speaking at a 2018 financial conference, CD Projekt RED's Adam Kiciński nigh-on confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 will be a cross-generational game.

Yes, we'll get PS4 and Xbox One versions, but according to him, “technology-wise, Cyberpunk is very advanced. Our technology is ready to interface with future generations."

He repeatedly mentioned that obviously, the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett are not out in the wild in any detailed capacity, but added that “the game is developed in such a way that it can use very powerful future equipment, but I can not tell you more beyond that today."

That "future equipment" could be VR-related, but it makes way more sense to assume that because Cyberpunk's release is some ways into 2019 at the earliest, it'll come out closer to the release of the PS5 instead.

Cyberpunk 2077 as a launch game? All signs point to "likely".

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