10 Upcoming Video Games That Could Change Things Forever

1. Metal Gear Solid 5

Metal Gear Solid 5 Trying to write about Metal Gear Solid 5 is still a painful experience, so confusing was the marketing campaign that led up to its unveiling. That campaign saw it announced twice, with two different names ('The Phantom Pain' and 'Ground Zeroes') and detail of the differences between the two is best tackled elsewhere. The latest in a long line of Stealth action games from gaming auteur, Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid 5 will be his last entry in the long-running franchise. Kojima has already stated that this time around he plans to tackle taboo themes and mature subjects, so whatever we're expecting, chances are the actual end result will be a little bit weirder. As for what form precisely Metal Gear Solid 5 will take, we're promised a non-linear open world stealth game, where the decisions we make will affect the story-line. Popular characters from the previous games will show up, along with new characters like the scantily clad sniper Quiet, who already has a strange James Bond-esque theme tune to introduce her. The Metal Gear Solid series is something of an institution now, a combination of excellent stealth game-play, fourth wall breaking weirdness and convoluted conspiracy theories. On his final outing, we're willing to give Mr Kojima the benefit of the doubt and hope that his swan-song with Snake and co is the weirdest and most wonderful yet. The Metal Gear Solid games have already changed gaming for the better, let's hope that Metal Gear Solid V will cement that legacy.

A freelance gaming journalist, film critic and general holder of opinions, Michael writes words in penitence for the digital genocide he has committed in the name of gaming. Each word he shares signifies the death of a nameless soldier (and by reading them you are complicit in his actions).