10 Upcoming Video Games That Are Already Doomed

5. Star Wars Eclipse

Borderlands 4
Quantic Dream

At the 2021 Game Awards, Star Wars Eclipse was announced - a collaboration between Lucasfilm and developer Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human) that certainly sounded intriguing on paper.

With its High Republic era setting - that's 200 years before The Phantom Menace - and Quantic Dream's cinematic pedigree, it was easy to be excited, yet more than three years after Eclipse's reveal, we've still had no substantial follow-up or even a single shred of gameplay.

Rumours even swirled recently that the game had been quietly cancelled, though Quantic Dream firmly denied this. All the same, the apparent lack of momentum has been further stymied by the departure of the game's lead writer, Adam Williams, last summer.

Given that Eclipse is said to be a major departure for Quantic Dream, opting for a more action-forward style, it's entirely possible they've simply struggled to move away from their more on-rails "interactive drama" mode of gameplay.

On top of this there's the recent accusations of hostile workplace practises at the company, and a report indicating we probably won't see Eclipse until 2027. 

Then again, perhaps Quantic Dream realised they announced the game way too early, and are now laying low until they have something worthwhile to show off. Here's hoping.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.