10 Upcoming Video Games That Are Already Doomed
4. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

The long-awaited sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines started development in 2016, and was originally intended to release in March 2020, but almost five years later the action-RPG still isn't out.
Development has been anything but smooth, with numerous key members of the dev team exiting at various points, before original developer Hardsuit Labs were dismissed from the project in 2021 and eventually replaced with The Chinese Room (Dear Esther, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Still Wakes the Deep).
What we've seen of the game so far is pretty rough both aesthetically and mechanically, and given that The Chinese Room has never worked on a title of this scale before, it doesn't paint the most encouraging picture moving forward.
With many fans decrying the state of the game and even loudly announcing their disinterest online, it'd be a shocker if this turned out to be either a critical or commercial hit - let alone both.