10 Upcoming Video Games That Are Tricking You (But Not How You Think)

8. Johnny Silverhand ISN'T Really Johnny - Cyberpunk 2077

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Aerith
CD Projekt Red

Minds were blown worldwide when it was revealed last year that Keanu Reeves will be playing the supporting character Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077.

Silverhand will function as protagonist V's guide through Night City, serving as a digital "ghost" of the real Silverhand, a rock star who is missing and presumed dead.

CD Projekt Red has been playing their cards close to their chest in regard to the exact nature of Silverhand's role in the game, though the mystery of his existence will reportedly form a major part of the main storyline.

Some have speculated that this might be setting up the reveal that Silverhand isn't dead at all but hiding out somewhere, with the player possibly teaming up with his older real self near the end of the game.

But what if Cyberpunk has a different twist in store entirely - that the ghost isn't really Johnny at all, but a malevolent third party who has hijacked his likeness to their own ends?

It'd be the perfect twist because Keanu Reeves' voice and appearance are so welcoming to his fans, providing the perfect charismatic veil behind which a major antagonist could hide themselves. Bank on it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.