10 Upcoming Video Games That Have Already Pissed Fans Off

9. Loot Box Nonsense - Skate

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As excited as fans were when EA finally confirmed that a new Skate game was in development, they probably should've braced themselves for trouble when EA announced last summer that the game would be a free-to-play title.

Mere days after that announcement, playtesters leaked the presence of loot box mechanics in the game, with so-called "Swag Bags" seeming to suggest that this would be a monetised mechanic to justify the free-to-play model.

Given that EA already declared that Skate would feature no paid loot box content, many hoped that it was simply an old feature retained within the playbuild's code.

But this past January, interviews with playtesters not only suggested that the game does indeed contain loot boxes, but that EA intends to eventually make them paid.

EA continues to insist that the game won't feature paid loot boxes or pay-to-win mechanics, but it'd hardly be the first time a publisher lied through their teeth, only to reverse course once critics posted their reviews.

It's perhaps more likely that EA will technically be correct but still end up tying loot boxes to monetisation in some fashion. Either way, the muddy waters have left many hardcore Skate fans skeptical about this otherwise long-awaited title.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.