10 Upcoming Video Games We're Dying To See More Of

7. State Of Decay 2

State Of Decay 2
Undead Labs

Despite being one of their biggest exclusives, State of Decay 2 didn't actually get too much time on show at E3 2017.

Considering just how exciting the game looks from even the one trailer, this was a mistake on Microsoft's part. We didn't really get to see how big the world was, how combat has evolved or even some of the more intricate gameplay features like choosing a home base and managing it. State of Decay is known for this, after all, which makes the decision to focus on combat a little odd.

Although the four player co-op has been lauded as one of the game's biggest features, though we didn't get to see too much of that, either.

The next showing of State of Decay 2 should really focus on showing off this new feature, as well as telling fans how some of the most beloved features - such as base management and resource collecting - have evolved with this new entry.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.