10 Upcoming Video Games We're Dying To See More Of

6. Super Mario Odyssey


Already being slated as a 'Game of the Year' candidate, Super Mario Odyssey certainly blew everyone away at E3 2017.

The reveal that Mario can now 'capture' people, objects and enemies was a great one, and certainly made the new hat throwing mechanic feel more worthwhile (though Nintendo, we know Mario is possessing people. Calling it 'capturing' doesn't make it any less creepy).

We also got to see a lot more of the already revealed worlds like New Donk City, all of which looked gorgeous and packed full of things to see and do. Unfortunately, the newest trailer didn't really show off any new worlds or locations to visit.

One of the biggest concerns with Super Mario Odyssey is how many worlds will actually be featured. With Nintendo focusing so heavily on a smaller amount of environments having a larger amount of content, it could mean that we get a more reduced selection of worlds overall.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.