10 Upcoming Video Games We're Dying To See More Of

4. A Way Out

A Way Out

It's rare we get to say this but A Way Out looks like a truly innovative video game.

This was one of the biggest surprises during the whole of E3 2017, especially since it's coming from EA of all places. This co-op prison escape adventure can either be played split screen online or on the same console, but only ever in co-op. There are no random lobbies or single-player options here, which is one of the biggest draws to the game.

These innovative features do raise some pretty big questions though. How long will the game be? Do players get a choice on who of the two they play as? Is the game a full retail release?

A Way Out still has a lot of mystery surrounding it, and getting to see more gameplay should answer these questions. There's also the small matter of designing an entire game in split-screen co-op - a narrative framework we can't wait to see more of.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.