10 Upcoming Video Games We're Dying To See More Of

5. Beyond Good & Evil 2

Beyond Good And Evil 2

One of the most passionate and surprising moments of E3 2017 was when Michel Ancel walked out on stage to announce the long-awaited sequel to the cult classic, Beyond Good and Evil.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 looks like it'll take some of the best aspects of the original title, namely the diverse world full of culture and character, and mix it with some all-new space exploration gameplay. The characters we got to glimpse in the trailer all looked very unique and interesting, which is certainly in line with the original title.

A big reason we can't wait to see more of Beyond Good and Evil 2 is that a lot of details about it are currently up in the air. We don't really know how the game itself will play, only that it's a third person title with custom characters and that spaceships are explorable. Will the game be playable offline? Will it release on the Nintendo Switch? How are these massive worlds going to function? We still have so many questions about Beyond Good and Evil 2, which means we definitely want to see more of it.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.