10 Upcoming Video Games We Know Almost NOTHING About

9. Beyond Good & Evil 2

death stranding

With something as beloved as Beyond Good and Evil, there’s no way a sequel can be received negatively right?

Oh yeah it’s something completely different now. Well in that case, Beyond Good and Evil 2 definitely needs to show us more of how it fits into the universe the original game created.

It’s not that Beyond Good and Evil 2 looks bad by any means. The characters and world definitely live up the original, it just seems like the game is trying to be something completely different than the first.

Focusing on having huge explorable worlds sounds exciting, but it’s not really what we wanted from this series, and it hasn’t worked out for most other games that didn't start that way, either.

To top it all off, we don’t know anything concrete about gameplay because everything still feels like its in really early development.

Put this one under, ‘excited but sceptical’ until we learn... something about it.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.