10 Upcoming Video Games Which Are Already Doomed

1. Little Devil Inside

Concord Game
Neostream Interactive

Action-adventure game Little Devil Inside was first announced via a Kickstarter campaign in April 2015, with an original intended release date of Fall 2016.

Yeah, about that.

In the near-eight years since, its release has been continually pushed back while developer Neostream Interactive offered increasingly sporadic updates on the title's development.

Hell, its original crowdfunding pledge stated a Wii U release as a stretch goal, just to lend extra context to how long this thing has been mired in development hell.

In 2020, the tide seemed to be turning, as Little Devil Inside was announced as a timed console exclusive on PS4 and PS5, but earlier this year, after much speculation about the game being cancelled, Neostream piped up again to deliver another concerning update.

They confirmed that not only had the team been downsized, but they're currently in discussions with publishers about the game's release, seeming to suggest that their initial deal with Sony lapsed, possible due to the game's prolonged development period.

It's certainly a game to root for, but this feels like a textbook case of a developer biting off more than they're capable of chewing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.